Rising Star Crawford Hungry for Success in Formula 1 After Dazzling Debut with Aston Martin

Rising Star Crawford Hungry for Success in Formula 1 After Dazzling Debut with Aston Martin

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Jak Crawford experienced a Formula 1 car for the first time at the Red Bull Ring before traveling to the Canadian Grand Prix, and is set for more outings later this season. The American is part of …

Jak Crawford got the chance to test drive a Formula 1 car at the Red Bull Ring before heading to the Canadian Grand Prix and is expected to make more appearances later in the season. Thanks to his involvement in the Aston Martin young driver development program, Crawford was able to adapt quickly to the 2022 car during his session in Austria, covering more than 400km in a day. With impressive handling and downforce, the 19-year-old driver was struck by the unique sensitivity and high-speed capabilities of the car. Despite the complexity of the F1 car, Crawford managed to adjust and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. He immediately traveled to Canada after the test, eager to continue learning and is hopeful for more opportunities to drive the AMR22 later this year. Looking ahead, Crawford aims to gain more track time and maximize his learning opportunities amidst a packed schedule of F2 races and extensive simulator work.

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